If you are here,
You are likely grieving or know someone who is, and
our thoughts are with you and yours.
My Grief Angels’, a social services and human services non profit organization, provides free open virtual peer-led grief support groups by type of loss; open grief chat community; open “Grieving @ Holidays” virtual grief support groups; the “Grief MOOC” (Massive Open Online Course); a directory of grief support resources by type of loss; mobile apps and other resources.
Our online volunteer community of people grieving can never take away the pain you may be experiencing now, and
Our only hope is that some of our shared personal experiences, suggestions of grief support resources by type of loss experienced, challenges and strategies in getting thru our own grieving process and grief attacks may be of some help to some of you.
We are not mental health professionals, only people grieving like yourself who found ourselves here in our own search for grief resources, information and education during one of the worst times of our lives.
My Grief Angels is a volunteer-powered organization, and if at some point you would like to help others virtually, check out our volunteer opportunities on the “How 2 Help” tab of the MyGriefAngels.org website.
Central to our mission is to provide 24/7 access to all these online resources
at no cost to anyone anywhere,
so no mandatory donations, subscription or membership fees, no mandatory sign up, product or service purchase or any other type of participation commitment is required at any time to access any of the resources on this Online Community, Online Course, Website & Mobile App
About My Grief Angels Open Virtual Peer-led Grief Support Groups:
All of My Grief Angels’ Virtual Peer-led Grief Support Groups are Open Groups – which means you can join every week or whenever you are up to it.
There are no attendance requirements, and you simply register for the meetings you want to attend. That’s it.
Most of the virtual groups meet weekly and they are currently on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays at 7pm or 8pm EST.
All group participants must have their video camera on.